Hernie discale

Herniated disc

Herniated Discs FollowNext Herniated discs are a common cause of acute and chronic pain and disability. They can occur in anyone, at any age. A herniated disc usually causes neck and back pain...
La cruralgie


Cruralgia FollowNext What is cruralgia? Cruralgia is a nerve pain of the crural (or femoral) nerve that starts at the lumbar level and radiates to the groin and down the leg. The person can feel a tugging sensation on the back of the leg...
La cervicalgie

Neck pain

Neck Pain FollowFollowFollow Most people experience neck pain at some point in their lives, but there are ways to prevent it or minimize its effects Neck pain is a symptom linked to many...


Migraines and Headaches FollowNext What is a migraine? Migraines are among the most common and disabling neurological disorders. They are characterized by recurrent, moderate to severe headaches that can be...