La cervicalgie

Neck pain

Neck Pain FollowFollowFollow Most people experience neck pain at some point in their lives, but there are ways to prevent it or minimize its effects Neck pain is a symptom linked to many...
la colonne vertébrale

the spine

The Spine FollowFollowFollow What is the function of the spine? The spine contains and protects the spinal cord and nerves, which run from each side of the brain stem and spinal cord through a passage in each...
Le stress


Stress FollowFollowFollow Chiropractic Care: A Natural Way to Reduce Stress Today, most people are unaware of the impact of stress on their bodies and how it can affect them in the long run. It is estimated that 50 to 70 %...
Pourquoi la Chiropraxie ?

Why Chiropractic?

Why Chiropractic? Chiropractic: a natural, non-medicated answer to both prevention and cure. Chiropractic care is the most widely used alternative health care treatment in North America for acute and chronic back pain, spinal cord injury, and...


Migraines and Headaches FollowNext What is a migraine? Migraines are among the most common and disabling neurological disorders. They are characterized by recurrent, moderate to severe headaches that can be...